Indonesia lifts ban on the Telegram app


The government of Indonesia has decided to lift the ban on the encrypted chat app telegram, stating that the country has taken steps for blocking the negative stuff which involves the forums for the ISIL supporters. According to the minister of IT and communication, Rudiantara, who met with the co-founder of the telegram, Pavel Durov, made an announcement on Tuesday that the government agreed on keeping the app accessible for the users.

During July, the government stated that it was making preparations for shutting down the app in the country, where it gained millions of users if it hadn’t intentions to develop the ways of blocking the useless and illegal stuff including the group discussions which support the Islamic State of Iraq or Levant.

As the partial measures, the government asked the online firms for blocking the access to 11 links offering the web edition of the telegram, which is full of the terrorist and radical propaganda. Making a joint press conference, the minister and Durov made clear that it was due to miscommunication that telegram failed to respond to Indonesian government requests.

He told that a line of direct contact would be created amid the government and the top users of the telegram as this would let the company close down the public links much effectively within few hours. Both sides discussed the ways to block the propaganda regarding the terrorism on the terrorism publically, which is a thing that the company committed to being performed globally, especially in Indonesia.

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The government of Indonesia hasn’t made any requests which would need the encryption of Telegram to get compromised. The telegram is 100% encrypted basically which is why the company exists till now. The minister told that these blocking measures to stop terrorism against the telegram could be released a week ago, but the government warned other sites to face the scrutiny.

The suspected fighters got arrested by the Indonesian forces, and they told authorities that they made communications with each other through telegram and used to receive orders as well as directions for carrying out attacks via app, like the Bahrun Naim, an Indonesian citizen supporting ISIL in the Syria got accusations of carrying out few attacks during past 18 months. The critics of the threat made by government stated that it would much sense of monitoring the ISIL discussions in groups for getting more info than banning the app.

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