Telegram Offers $300,000 to Anyone Who Can Crack App


Yes! Telegram owners offers $300,000 in Bitcoins to anyone who can crack the App. There are lots of contests that we come across day in any day out. These offer an exciting medium to earn some bucks along with providing us an opportunity to challenge our abilities in certain aspects. For all those who are well aware of the terms encryption and decryption and wish to enter into a contest that has $200,000 up for grabs as prize money, this s your chance to use your skills in these areas. So what is this contest all about and what exactly is needed to be done in this?

Telegram is a private messaging service and it has come up with this contest in which the above mentioned big sum of prize will be offered to the first person who can crack Telegram’s encrypted protocol. Telegram backer as well as founder of VKontakte, Pavel Durov will be funding this prize. This is how this will go about. A message which will be having a secret email address will be sent each day by Paul to Nick and what you are required to do is to intercept this daily message and a secret email message has to be found in this contest.

So if you are able to do this, the prize money is all yours and it will be offered in bitcoins. But there are absolutely no worries in this regard as you can also receive the prize money in the form of regular USD. What is essential to mention here is this contest is a way to deal with a real-life situation. The main question behind this contest is to get to known whether there is a possibility to decrypt the conversations of your over Telegram by your internet-provider or by another entity by which your traffic is intercepted. Though Paul will be sending different messages every time to Nick, the secret e-mail address which is there in his daily message will be the same.

Read More >>  Telegram Messenger App and its Visual Fingerprint Encryptation

From Paul’s message you can send email to the secret email address and this will simply show that the Telegram crypto has been desiphered and you can thus claim your prize. So what all should be a part of your email? It should comprise of the full text of the message which had the secret email, to receive the prize money of $300,000 in BTC, your Bitcoin address along with the attack’s detail explanation. The transparency aspect has been handled by Telegram very well as the duo’s traffic in real time will be published by Telegram. At the end of the contest, Telegram will release the decryption keys.

telegram crypto contest

More info about the contest:


So all those who feel that they can crack this contest could give it a try as the prize money is simply huge and the incredible part of this contest is in either ways it would be a win-win situation for Telegram. The service’s security strength would either strengthen in terms of public confidence or the existing weaknesses could be revealed. This contest works as a way to find out the vulnerabilities in the encryption system of Telegram. Access to data will never be given to third parties as per the claims made by the company.

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