Webogram Is More than Just Usual Instant Chat Messaging


With lots of advancement seen in the different fields, communication field remains ahead of all. Now that there are many apps freely available that streamlines the communication no matter where you are staying in the world, Webogram is the new kid on the block. It is a new messaging application which functions using the Internet to send and receive the messages.

Like other messaging apps, this one is freely downloadable on the desktop as well as Smartphones. Being an open source affinity, there are definitely crucial reasons to use Webogram and they are:

  • Cloud based
  • Free to download
  • Secured messaging
  • Cross platform compatibility

Webogram lets you chat, instant message from the browser which makes it a unique app and the very same way the app is available to download in your Smartphone. To run the app, it is very easy and basic. Like other instant messaging apps, it requires your cell number to register in order to run successfully. In few minutes the installation is done and you are all set to use send and receive chat through web connectivity.

Webogram has some new advanced level features that are not usual to see in other messaging apps such as secret messaging, auto destroyable and most importantly unlike other apps this one lets you download on your desktop as well.  The contacts are sync hence, the chatting becomes hassle free. In the left side of the chat you can see your contacts with the endless scroll also. You can send emots, write the chat in different styles, and also share images and other stuff with your friends and family in a hassle free manner. Also, you are able to see the new invites and the notifications of the new messages from your contacts, which make the interaction easy. This means having two same apps isn’t a problem.

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The precise features of Webogram mobile messaging apps are:

  1. It allows you to chat from the computer as well
  2. It is simple, basic and user-friendly to use
  3. No complex interface
  4. It allows grouping chat and chatting through it
  5. It offers secured chat
  6. It lets you open the Webogram chat interface on any computer anytime
  7. The chats are opened the moment it gets loaded.
  8. It is easy to use Webogram whenever you want from any web browser, as it is compatible to be used on any cross platform.

Mary Anne

I spend all day on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Writing blogs, Chatting up Customers, whatever I need to do to ensure maximum ROI for our company and our clients; basically playing around on the internet.

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